J.A.N. No. 1- Joint Army and Navy Publication, Uniforms and Insignia- is a cumulative
recognition manual of the uniforms used by the principal military powers of the world. It
is jointly produced under the direction of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, and the Director
of Naval Intelligence.

That portion of J.A.N. No. 1 dealing with Army and Air Forces uniforms is the result of research carried on by Military Intelligence Service while that illustrating Naval and Marine uniforms is the direct product of Division of Naval Intelligence.

It is the immediate purpose of J.A.N. No. 1 to serve as a rapid means of recognition
for field use rather tha n as an exhaustive manual for all possible uniforms. Consequently,
emphasis has been placed on field and service uniforms along with their accompanying
insignia of rank and specialty.

Dress uniforms and regalia have not been illustrated, nor have the rarer of the service uniforms been included, except where cu rrent or possible operational conditions make their inclusion advisable. The wide areas involved in current theaters of activity have made it advisable to include studies of the more important neutral countri es as as the belligerents.

The format of J.A.N. No. 1 was selected because of its adaptability to a pocket-sized
loose-leaf binder. Such binding permits the ready addition of new or re-edited material,
and it allows the individual officer or unit to select for active or field use only those sheets
for which a need can be anticipated.

Also, further military data which is appeari ng in this same format may be selected and included at will. Additiona l sheets will be issued covering furth er enemy, Allied, or neutral countries. Other additiona l sheets may be issued from time to time to correct or supplement those which have already appea red.

The first spreads of J.A.N. No. 1 are being forwarded in the “Box ‘filing’ binder”, provided for each complete set as a contai ner from which leaves may be selected for inclusion in the ring “task” bind er.

This publication is an unclassified public document. It is for official use only and is
issued in quantity for the use of the fighting forces and the officials of the United Nations.

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